
The purposes of OHSLA shall be to:

  1. promote, develop, and improve health sciences library services in the State of Ohio;
  2. encourage sharing and cooperation among all types of libraries in the State of Ohio;
  3. strengthen collaborative and network relationships within the State of Ohio, the region, and the nation;
  4. provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among individuals who provide health information;
  5. provide opportunities for continuing education and professional development;
  6. provide a forum for the discussion of common problems and matters of mutual concern;
  7. develop position(s) on issues affecting Ohio health sciences libraries;
  8. provide representation to the Region 6National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM).

Current Bylaws of OHSLA

Bylaws of the Ohio Health Sciences Library Association  - revised August 2022

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Last updated: August 23, 2024
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