
OHSLA Spring 2017 Meeting

Friday, May 5, 2017

Twice a year, Ohio's Health Sciences Librarians gather to network, learn, plan, and renew our collegial friendships. On Friday, May 5, 2017 we met at the newly remodeled Main Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library. Continuing education is an integral part of each meeting, and this time we learned about Evidence-based Medicine from Megan von Isenburg, Associate Director for Research and Education and Liaison to Global Health and Graduate Medical Education at Duke Medical Center Library. She presented a 4 CE MLA course on EBM/EBP: The Basics - Study Design and Randomized Controlled Trials. We also got an update from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region from Associate Director Liz Kiscaden. During the lunch break we held our business meeting and a CML staff member led us on a tour of the new CML Main Library.

Spring 2017 Meeting Handouts and Links

Documents to download for the May 5, 2017 OHSLA Spring Meeting:

For the MLA CE course, EBM / EBP: The Basics - Study Design and Randomized Controlled Trials"

For the OHSLA Business Meeting:
Spring 2017 Documents for Member Review


EBM/EBP: The Basics - Study Design and Randomized Controlled Trials

This course is designed to give learners an introduction to evidence based practice through an understanding of basic study designs and validity issues related to reducing bias in randomized controlled trials. The course will focus on:

  • understanding the basic study designs in medicine (case-control, cohort, randomized controlled clinical trial, systematic review, and Meta analysis);
  • understanding the criteria for determining internal validity of therapy studies;
  • understanding how the results are reported;
  • and understanding how this information can help enhance library services.
After completing this course, learners will be better able to:
  • identify appropriate study designs;
  • identify validity criteria for a RCT;
  • and help support evidence-based medicine within their own institutions.
Teaching methods will include discussion, case studies, group exercises, and practice in appraising articles.


Megan von Isenburg
Associate Director for Research and Education and Liaison to Global Health and Graduate Medical Education
Duke Medical Center Library

4.0 CE contact hours awarded


Columbus Metropolitan Library
Main Auditorium
96 S. Grant Avenue
Columbus, OH 43215
Main Phone: (614) 645-2275


CML does charge for parking at the rate of $6.00 for 7-8 hours, and $10 for 8 or more hours. Main Library’s parking garage is accessed from Library Park North off of S. Grant Ave. The garage opens at 8:30 a.m.

Please Note: Customers must pay for parking at one of the self-pay machines in the library before leaving the building. The exit gate will not open unless the appropriate fee is paid.

OHSLA Spring 2017 Meeting, Friday May 5, 2017, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Main Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library
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